Welcome to Draconia On-Line 2020 site – the guidebook to sunny Principality of Draconia, land of joys and abundance, lard and honey streaming country, our happy homeland that stands against the mad reality.
The website is in Polish. You can try to Google translate it but… only at your own risk! Nevertheless we believe no one is reading web pages anymore anyway. So just this few words of summary below and otherwise pictures we have here should be enough to get to know us. Anything more you need – send us a message through Facebook (links below) or the ancient crafts of email (see Kontakt menu for it) – we’ll be happy to answer.

The principality of Draconia the Dark is an organisation created by people fascinated with medieval history and culture, involved in the so-called „living history re-enactment”. By practically making and otherwise creating the vestments, household utensils, arms and armour and all the other elements of material culture of people from the given period, we aim at getting to know their lifestyle by experiencing it ourselves. However, our re-enactment is not limited to material culture only. Our Principality has been organised as a micro-scale community based on medieval feudal principles, as we have decided that a tiny bit of the 'getting involved’, roleplaying-like feeling would add to the flavour of our pastime.

The beginnings of our organisation date back to the year of our Lord 1992 when Smocza Kompania has been established. The Principality of Draconia the Dark has been a project born in and then spawned by Smocza Kompania in November of 1999. Soon after that the Principality started to act as an independent structure, this is since June 2001. It thrives (or just survives) till now, and it seems it will never end even if just because we so much got used to its existence…

We are currently running three different projects as we are interested in more than one historical period. All of them are more or less based within boundaries of today’s Masovia land:

The X-XI century Principality located somewhere in western Slavonic lands. Main inspiration for it now is Dux Polonia, and later the first king of Poland Boleslav Chrobry’s state.
Second half of XIIIth century on Masovia, to be more exact on Sluzev that nowadays is a neighbourhood of Warsaw. The renowned knight was living here, friend to Prince of Masovia and we aim to role-play him and his entourage.

It is IInd century AD, phase B2b to be more exact, and it is all about Germanic warriors and tribes here in Masovia. We base this project on archaeological findings of Przeworsk culture.
The Court of Boleslaus the Brave
A bit of an ad hoc project, created initially for the Battle of the River Bug event commemorating 1000th anniversary of the victory of Duke Boleslaus of Poland over the Kievan Rus Duke Yaroslav the Wise. This was held in Hrubieszów, A.D. 2018, and the project is running since mostly for the biennial event needs.

And all this is not our last word!
Anyway, thank you for visiting us and reading so far. Go see some pictures now, laugh at Google translations if you want, enjoy and as mentioned before if you want to get in contact do not hesitate to write us!